Was there a point in your life when you are literally dragging yourself to work? If you do you , I am sure you also hate Mondays, the first day of work. Well, you are not alone. I am sure that the majority of us go to work out of obligation and not because we love doing our job. It is time that we should learn to love our job otherwise our job will leave us. Remember that because of our work, we are able to provide food and shelter for our family. Moreover, because of our work we are able to send our kids to work.
I know it is hard to stay in a job when you do not love what you do or no longer love what you do. But you can try recalling the reason why you are in that position in the first place. Bear in mind that hundreds of people would want to be in your shoe. However, if you are already too burn out to work, when you already lack the passion and dedication to work, you can file for a vacation and reevaluate your priorities. If you are already too unhappy in what you do you always have an option to file for a resignation. Your resignation means a job opportunity for others.
If the reason of your unwillingness to work is because you are not happy working with your fellow employees or bosses, remember that they exist anywhere you go. Transferring to another company does not guarantee that you will have a good working relationship with your fellow employees and bosses. If this happens, try to reassess yourself. Maybe you are the problem. If you think you are, you can always seek counseling.
Moreover, if the reason why you are leaving for work is the workplace, you can always make a suggestion on how to make it look pleasant and inviting such as repainting the walls with bright or warm colors, change the lighting fixture with contemporary lighting designs, decorative plants and other ornaments which will make you look forward to the next day's work.
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