Monday, December 23, 2013

Family Christmas Tradition

We celebrate Christmas in different ways. It differs in every country and region. It also differs in every family. In my family, we would celebrate Christmas day by hearing mass together and afterwards enjoy a quiet Christmas media noche or midnight feast. But, this time of the year, we are breaking the tradition. We will welcome the birth of our Savior by having a huge party at my grandmother’s house together with my uncles and aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces. It is going to be a huge celebration since it is the first time in a long time that everybody came home for Christmas.

Almost everything is set at my grandmother’s place. The ancestral house looks magical inside out. Different Christmas decorations adorn the exterior and interior of the house as well. The entire house is almost covered with the glittering Christmas lights. Even the walkway lights and outdoor path lighting specifically the Flair Top Pagoda Light, which were bought by my aunt a few months ago are decorated with Christmas decorations as well. The outdoor path lighting fixtures which adorn the front yard and the backyard make a huge difference. The landscape lights made the yard more alive and lovely. They highlight the beautiful garden which my grandmother have been taking care of for several years. It also made the yard a lot safer. In addition to the fully lighted house, the decorative lamp posts in the front yard are also covered with Christmas decorations and led lights.

There is nothing more enjoyable than eating with your family, relatives, and friends especially on a Christmas day. I hope that it is always Christmas day so we can have this lovely dinner all the time.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Bright And Colorful Christmas Everywhere

December is known to be the most celebrated month of all months. Or maybe it is because it is the same month on which we commemorate the birth of our dear Savior. You can also say it is the happiest and the brightest month as well. Anywhere you go, you can see tall buildings decorated with different colored lights. Commercial post lights which brighten up the streets are even brighter because of the decorative colored led lights which are wrapped around it. Even the double -12 inched classic shallow radial shade pole lights which line up the streets in our neighborhood were not spared from the Christmas decorations which bring the Christmas cheer to everyone.

I wish our street will look as colorful as it is now the whole year round because everyone seems to be happy and contented with this new change in our neighborhood. We have been looking forward to this most celebrated month since the officials of our hometown decided to decorate the entire town with different Christmas decors. I am sure the environmentalists are worried of the increasing energy consumption because of the added decorative lighting. But since LED or light emission display is used I guess there is nothing to worry about. In addition, the light sources of the pole lights according to a friend who works with the town architect also use low energy consumption called CFL or compact florescent lamp. I guess everybody has decided to be environmental friendly.

I cannot imagine the season of Christmas to be dull and dark. I understand that it is kind of hard to be happy after all the bad news going on around here and across the globe. But there is always a reason to be happy. With all the beautifully decorated lighting fixtures, buildings and parks, I hope that these will somehow brighten someone else' Christmas.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lighting Decorations For Christmas Cheer This December

In this season of Christmas it is not only our homes that are a designed to welcome the spirit of Christmas. Commercial establishments such as shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes are adorned with all sorts of Christmas decorations. Even the street lamps and poles lights are also covered with Christmas decorations. Although I know that some store owners are not believers of the spirit of Christmas, they still decorate their stores just to join with the rest who do. As the infamous quote goes, "if you can’t beat them join them."

Well, it does not really matter if they believe the meaning of Christmas. The most important thing is that they are one with us who believe it. They set their personal feelings and beliefs aside for the sake of those who do and partly because business reasons. For most of us, we will surely visit the shopping malls, stores and restaurants which displays the best and the brightest Christmas decorations. There is even this one store which even changed the bulbs of their indoor and outdoor sconce lighting to a different color, the colors of Christmas, to join in with the Christmas cheer. It was quite a beauty. My aunt was enchanted with it and the same day we shopped for light bulbs. She changed all the outdoor sconce lighting in her veranda with green, red, blue, gold, silver and white. It is a good thing though that the base of the individual sconce lighting has been customized to a different color. Otherwise we would have painted it to match the color of the light bulbs.

We have our own ways of celebrating Christmas. We also have our own ways of adorning our homes to welcome the spirit of Christmas. Perhaps other people may think of it as eccentric, weird and an over kill. But who cares? This is a free country.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Aesthetic Side Of Pendant Lights

Architectural design lighting such as gooseneck lights, commercial pendant lighting fixtures, garden lights are a part of every growing business establishment here and abroad. You can find these lighting fixtures in almost everywhere. You can often see these lighting fixtures highlighting the building structures as well as the signage and billboards. They are specifically designed to provide aesthetic beauty to the any commercial and residential buildings. They are also designed to provide illumination to all offices, stores, and restaurants inside out. 

Moreover with architectural design lights, it can transform any place into a whole new dimension just like one of the famous leather bag stores in Japan, the PATRICK COX shop where the interior designer of the shop, Chikara Ohno, made use of commercial pendant lighting to highlight the bags and accessories of the shop. In fact in can transform any building infrastructures like a bridge, a garden or a school to look magical and enchanting just like the Rainbow Fountain Bridge in Banpo Bridge, South Korea, the Gapyeong Garden of Lights in Gapyeong Korean and the Angelicum College in the Philippines.

Now, that Christmas Day is almost near, several shopping centers, parks, streets and even municipalities are not only adorned with Christmas decorations. The architectural design lighting fixtures which lights the entire place are also designed to bring some Christmas cheers to everyone. You can see several electronic billboards flashing a Christmas greeting. Some environmentalists would say that it is a lot of energy waste. However, I am sure that with everyone being aware of the horrifying effects of global warming, the government is strictly implementing the use of energy saving bulbs such as LED (light emitting diode) bulbs and CFL (compact florescent lamp) in every commercial lighting fixture. This way, everybody can enjoy the spirit of Christmas without compromising the environment.