Friday, June 28, 2013

Caring for Someone With Special Needs

Disability according to Wikipedia is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. It is something that we don't want to happen to us or any of our love ones. For most of us, disability is regarded as some sort of a curse while others believed that it is bad karma for something that we have done wrong against someone. Some would cringe at the thought of having a family member with special needs. But ponder upon this, according to SupaNova Slom, “the worst disability in life is a bad attitude.”

It is not easy having a family member, friend or a love one with special needs. It is emotionally challenging. There is nothing else that you could do for them but love them unconditionally and make sure that their needs are met. I know, because I have a cousin who has autism, a neural development disorder which symptoms are repetitive or restrictive behavior, lack of social skills and communication skills. I can still recall how my uncle who just came home from a business trip abroad reacted when he was told by my aunt that their child who was four years old then, has mild autism. He just shook his head and walked out. He came home drunk and crying. Fortunately, my cousin has mild autism which means that there is a huge chance that he can still lead a normal life.

walk way lights and other architectural lighting

My aunt and uncle made sure that my cousin's needs are met by first joining an autism support group. That helped the family especially my uncle understand and accept my cousin's condition. That also helped the family learn how to deal with him. They remodeled the house based on the standards set by the ADA which includes the bathing facilities, handrails, walk way lights and other architectural lighting, and other residential families. They also hired a highly trained therapist for my cousin's treatment. They have not missed a single appointment of their child's therapy and doctor's appointment. They also enrolled him to a school for special children. And after 10 years of hard work, dedication and patience, my cousin just graduated from normal high school as valedictorian.

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