Friday, June 7, 2013

Landscape Light And Pathway Step Lighting

They say that gardening is not for everyone and I say, I agree. It is not because that I am too lazy to pull out the weeds from my garden patch or to just even remove the dead leaves of the plants. I love plants. I used to grow a garden of vegetable when I was a kid but for some reason they just wither before my eyes. They say talking to the plants help. I also tried that but nothing happens. I did my research about the plants such as when is the best time to plant them, which plant is the best for any season, which plant loves the rain etc. They still wither away as if my words meant nothing. I later found our that I am one of those unlucky individuals who are called brown thumbs. We are the opposite of the green thumbs, whose hands bring life to every plant they touches. Moreover, their hands do not only bring life but to the plants, but all plants they touch seems to be rejoicing.

I am a liar if I say that I am not a bit jealous about this wonderful gift they have. But as I grow older, I began to accept that my hands are not for gardening. I did not resort to buying artificial plants to accept my defeat. But instead I asked one of my cousins who is a gardening enthusiasts to help me out with my issues. I showed her how I would want my front yard to look like and voila I have a lovely patch of flowering garden. I added a Round Open Face Step Light 20 Watt 12 Volt JC, a landscape light and a pathway step lighting which will highlight the beauty of the flowering garden at night.


Perhaps not everyone of us are given the gift which grows and nurtures plants. But I know that there is always a solution to every problem. I may not be able to grow and nurture a single plant but I know there is always someone who is willing to lend their hand which does all these.

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