Monday, November 25, 2013

How Lighting Fixtures Affect Our Lifestyle

Lighting fixtures are one of man’s greatest achievements as inventors. They are invented for a lot of reasons. One of these reasons is that we could move around at night safely. It is kind of hard to be traveling at night when it is dark. A lot of bad things can happen in the dark. Moreover, the fear of not know what we are up against is something that every human being’s weakness. The invention of light is one way of fighting this weakness.

However, the invention of light especially the gooseneck lights paved the way to a lot of things that have changed our lives forever. It had changed our way of living. It had opened a lot of business opportunities for everyone. Business owners took courage in opening their shops or stores for everyone even at night. It also made working at night possible and less dangerous. I can vaguely remember when it had exactly made our nights livelier and fun.  But I perfectly remember how my grandparents disapproved of their granddaughter going out at night to work. It was kind of irritating and yet endearing to that they would walk with me, hand in hand, to the bus station. My grandfather would even insist that I should bring a knife with me for protection which I did out of fear and respect for him. But I had to hide the knife which I wrapped in paper deep inside my bag to avoid detection.

Assuring my grandparents that it is okay to travel, work and even party at night was hard. I have to constantly call them afterwards to assure them that I arrived safely. They still disapproved but eventually they learned to accept that times have changed.  We have to take them out to dinner whenever it is possible to let them know that everything has changed. Seeing all those bright commercial lights adorning in every building infrastructures, commercial establishments and the streets; plus the number of lively people on the street and the guards,  may have convinced them somehow.

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