Monday, November 18, 2013

Lighting Manufacturers Against Global Warming

The world today is facing one calamity after another. Just a week ago Typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda struck the Philippines and left thousands of Filipinos devastated. Just yesterday, a tornado hit US Midwest killing six people; two days before that there was a flash flood in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia which killed at least three people. Why are these happening? What is the government doing to stop these from happening again? What are we doing to stop it?

Government, non-government, private sectors, business sectors and several environmentalists are working hand in hand in saving what is left of our planet.  The Earth Hour and Earth Day are just among the famous campaigns which address the issues of global warming. Several companies such as shopping malls are also doing their part by promoting the use of cloth bags whenever they shop. Some manufacturers especially the  manufacturers of our lighting fixtures which we use all the time are also doing their part in saving this planet by using earthenware clay. They also promote the use of LED (Light emitting diode) or CFL (Compact Fluorescent lamp) light bulbs for their lighting fixtures such as gooseneck lighting which are often use in commercial establishments. These types of light bulbs are popular energy savers.What we can do as individuals is to follow the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

Global warming is a world issue that we all need to work on not only for our own sake but for our children and our children’s children. It is not something that we can just ignore considering that these will affect us all. It does not matter if you are from the first world country or the third world country when it comes to an act of nature because not one of us can dodge a typhoon, tornado, drought, flood or an earthquake. It sounds scary and a lot may think of that we are probably close to the end of the world. But unless we do our part in taking care of our planet then there is a great chance that we will be witnessing our destruction.

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