Monday, January 20, 2014

Lighting Fixtures That We Cannot Live Without

Lighting fixtures is a necessity which we cannot live without. We are so used to these lighting fixtures that majority of us find it hard to imagine a place without it. The thought of not having any of these lighting fixtures illuminating and giving beauty to our surroundings at night sounds scary even to the adults as we all know that most criminals strike at night or when the place does not have any lighting fixtures or security system.

However there are still some places in this world that live without the luxury of these commercial lighting fixtures as well as residential lighting fixtures such as my grandmother’s birthplace. They have nothing but these lamps which are fueled by kerosene to light their homes every night with the exception of those who belong in the middle class and upper class who have electric generator or solar panels to run their house. I felt small next to them. They have so much to complain about but surprisingly they are happy. Compared to their problem, slow internet connection is just a tip of an iceberg. At first I thought that they are like that because they have no ambition of improving their lifestyle but I was wrong. Every family in that small community is in fact saving to buy solar panels which will at least provide enough energy to power up one or two lamps. In their neighboring community, almost everyone is using solar panels which power ups their lighting fixtures. But road lights are still a problem since there are a lot of things which need to be considered such as budget from the government.

My two days and one stay at my grandmother’s birthplace taught me a few things. I learned to appreciate the things I have - even the slow internet connection. I also complained less. Most importantly, I learned to value the solar panel operated lamp post which lights our yard every night.

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