For some of us it, is hard to imagine living in a dark place or where lighting is mediocre. No lighting fixtures to light our path at night or to brighten our homes are scary and uncomfortable. That is because a lot of bad things happen in the dark. We are well aware that most crimes happen in the dark. It is one of the reasons why we have lighting fixtures in almost everywhere. Streets, parks, commercial and residential establishments are all shining brightly at night because of these lighting fixtures may it be commercial post lights or home lighting fixtures. These lighting fixtures also make these places look attractive and safe. It makes the entire place alive at night.
However, while we are enjoying a relaxing stroll in the park even at night because of these various commercial post lights such as the Single 18 inches Route 101 Classic Radial Shade Pole Lights and Double 16 inches Route 101 Classic Radial Shade Pole Lights. Some people do not have that luxury. They do not have a decent pole light to guide them on their way home or home lighting fixtures to brighten their homes at night. Instead they finish everything they need to do before sundown and hit the sack as early as eight in the evening with only oil lamps, gas lamps or candles as their only light. This is a kind of lifestyle which most of us are unfamiliar. Some of us might be surprised that in spite of modernization or technological advancements there are still some places which remain untouched by these advancements.

Having experienced living in the boondocks myself is kind of refreshing. It is the kind of life which most of us want to experience every now and then because everything is laid back and slow. In addition, it is like living in another time as they are still using oil lamps, gas lamps or candles except those who can afford solar panels to run their home. If only there are commercial post lights or other outdoor lights to light the paths and keep the travelers safe at night it would be great staying in that kind of place for at least a week vacation.
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