In this day and age of modern technology, almost everything we do is controlled by machines. We have phones which can almost do everything a personal computer can do. Our portable desktops and laptops are also reduced to small sized gadgets which we can carry anything we go considering how huge the first digital computer we had, the ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator which was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. That one computer alone had occupied a very large room measuring about 1,800 square feet and weighs 50 tons. And now? Our computers can fit inside our bags.
Perhaps you can say that we have surpassed ourselves with our new inventions that have made our lives a lot easier every day. However, we are only humans. We have this craving to surpass even ourselves. If you have been a huge fan of Iron man, you can say that the applications and gadgets used are nothing but fiction. There have been used that computers can now be worn on the head. Amazing isn't it? But it would have been cooler if they can create gadgets which can help a lot those with special need. Perhaps we are getting closer to that goal. Discoveries, innovations and developments are achieved because of evolving technology and science. In fact, new findings and discoveries become the lifeline of many businesses all over the world.
Through awesome technologies and advancement, proper lighting were also developed. Many manufacturers nowadays focused on utility and architectural values of lighting fixtures such as the industrial lighting shades. They design these fixtures to be more useful and add beauty to any set up you may have in business and residential aids.
Indeed, our lighting fixtures have also been incorporated with technology since we can also order our lighting system to switch on or switch off with the aid of voice recognition control switch box. It is another technology created by our great inventors to make our life easier especially the elderly and the handicapped. With this being said, that it is not just our fancy imaginations and cravings that are paving the way towards a new invention, but also our needs.
Indeed, our lighting fixtures have also been incorporated with technology since we can also order our lighting system to switch on or switch off with the aid of voice recognition control switch box. It is another technology created by our great inventors to make our life easier especially the elderly and the handicapped. With this being said, that it is not just our fancy imaginations and cravings that are paving the way towards a new invention, but also our needs.
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