Thursday, May 23, 2013

Saving Our Planet By Saving Energy In Every Way

According to Liberty Hyde Bailey, “a garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. We would be probably living in a radioactive dessert without the efforts of those who want to make a change not just in their neighborhood but the world as well. We often hear advocates of the environment here and abroad to do this and to do that to save our environment. More often than not, we just let their messages pass to the other ear. Remember that we live in the same planet earth. So all of us should be responsible in making sure that it is safe from all types of abuses.

Global warming, is the result of our long time abuse to our environment. When man invent something to make our lives easier, they say that it is for the greater good of all. But with the current state of our planet we are halfway towards its destruction. Is it possible to improve our lives without abusing our environment? How many commercial establishments, homes, farms use too much of electricity? Is it possible that we reduce the use of electricity by replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy saving light bulbs in our farm barn lighting fixtures and other luminaires in our home? Or perhaps in places where they are enjoying a lot of sun, they could use solar cells for their electricity instead? With these few pretty little things in mind, we can definitely save our mother earth. Start these in our very home, using LEDs and other light sources that are environmental friendly can make a big difference. Barn lights are the most common fixtures used for task lighting in barns and even in urban areas and we must ensure that we use bulbs that are approved by our environmental specialists and our local authorities. There are a lot of things that we can do to reverse the damage we have caused to our environment. It is not too late to save it. 

The Earth Hour, a worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature and held towards the end of March annually which encourages households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change is just one event to start the earth's healing. We can always apply the “earth hour” in our homes everyday and not just once every year.

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